Story behind Nourish-d

Granddaughter's eczema 2 days after our healing tallow blend.

These 2 pictures of my granddaughter were taken just 2 days apart after applying tallow to her face. This is what started it all!

Nourish-d was started after seeing what a miraculous recovery our sweet 2 year old granddaughter had with eczema. She had struggled with severe eczema for 14 months of her 2 years. A friend mentioned I should try tallow for her. I researched for nearly a month and then took another month to source the correct product which is grass-fed beef kidney fat (the reason we only use the kidney fat is because that is where the animal stores all of its nutrients... vitamins, minerals, collagen, etc). It is a long, tedious process but... for any of my loved ones... I would do anything to help them be out of pain. After 2 days, it was gone. And that is how HEAL-D was created.

People have asked how I came up with the name. I struggled with this because I wanted something simple but people would realize the effect in 1 word. Nourish. Nourishing, Nourished. We came up with a play on Nourished, calling it Nourish-d. And each of our tallow blends play on that “-d” as well.

What is tallow?

Our tallow blends are 100% all natural and handmade.  See what tallow can do for your skin

Our tallow skincare products are crafted from the finest grass-fed beef kidney fat, chosen for its superior benefits for your skin. This premium tallow is naturally rich in essential fatty acids, including omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), known for their powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Being grass-fed ensures a higher concentration of skin-loving vitamins A, D, E, and K, which work to rejuvenate, protect, and enhance your skin’s natural glow. The unique composition of our tallow closely mirrors your skin's own sebum, allowing it to deeply hydrate and nourish without clogging pores.

Our blends

100% all natural handmade tallow

Nourish-d - We have 9+ tallow blends to accommodate all of your skins needs.

I started playing around with other blends of tallow and immediately went to the creepiness of my neck that really, really bothered me. I had tried very expensive creams (my husband has since found out the cost of those, haha) and nothing had worked for my skin. I talked to my mom and sisters and nothing was working for their skin either. I made an anti-aging blend, applied it to my face and neck, and was shocked again. The softness, the moisturizing and nourishing of this tallow blend on skin is incredible and lasts until washed off. I was using 16 items at night...yup 16. I only use tallow now and my skin has never felt better. I was thrilled to see the creepiness on my neck improve and disappear after just a few days. And our RESTORE-D blend was added.

Tallow, rendered from grass-fed cattle, is loaded with vitamins A, D & K and antioxidants. One of which is vitamin E, known to promote rejuvenation of the skin by fighting free radicals that can cause wrinkles.. Vitamins in tallow can also help produce collagen. Vitamin E is known for its anti-aging properties. It helps stimulates blood flow to our skin, which increases collagen production, and helps prevent signs of aging.

I added a tallow face exfoliant that I absolutely love, SCRUB-D. I call it my ‘lazy day’. Exfoliant should only be used 2-3 times a week. So, when I use this, I wash my face, apply the blend, give it a gentle scrub with my hands and rinse. When drying my face, I just dab at it with the towel and there is the soft, moisturizing tallow feel left behind. So... no need to put anything else on your skin for the night.

My husband had very dry cracked feet (it’s a bit dry here in Utah) so I created the RENEW-D tallow blend next. His cracks healed and were baby soft within a week. He uses it a couple times a week now just to maintain. This is a huge seller as well. Tallow is an intense moisturizer that assists in retaining the skins natural moisture. It replenishes the building blocks of our skin that decrease with age. It won't clog your pores, is long-lasting and 100% natural.

After initially starting up with my markets, a beautiful girl addressed me at a market with serious acne. I had an acne tallow blend (CLEAR-D) because I had already seen the effects for several people. This sweet girl bought the acne blend and came back to see me each week at the market to show me the results of her face and skin. It was shocking, yet again. And the best part, she was thrilled. CLEAR-D can soothe the skin and provide the exact mineral requirements needed for optimal healing.

Since your skin already recognizes tallow as a beneficial helper, your skin is less likely to break out with acne or inflammation. Tallow is naturally filled with incredible nutrients for your skin and has been used for centuries to help your skin heal naturally.

Tallow is one of the oldest forms of natural moisturizer in the world. Its compositional simplicity renders it a safe option to aid in healing stretch marks and other scars without irritating sensitive skin. After the acne had healed for this same girl (just a few days for mild acne and 2-3 weeks for severe acne) I gave her a blend for her acne scars (FADE-D). I had already seen amazing results with the scar tallow blend as well. FADE-D works great on stretch marks, acne scars and scars in general. I always remind people, this is the one you will see the slowest results with because, well... it’s a scar. But patience does bring the reward.

Another blend I developed is for hyperpigmentation/dark spots. My husband was unhappy dark spots starting to develop on the back of his hands. Tallow to the rescue again. The spots on his hands lightened in about 10 days. And SPOT-D was added. This has been a big seller of ours. I had a woman buy tallow from me soon after she bought her first because her mother-in-law tried it on the dark spots up and down her arms. She was so thrilled with it, she used it all.

Tallow has alpha-linolenic (Omega-3) and Linoleic (Omega-6). These essential fatty acids contribute to the skin’s structural integrity and barrier function. These acids are also found to lighten skin pigmentation induced by UV radiation.

I created another blend when my son went golfing at the 1st sign of Spring and got sunburned pretty bad. I made a blend for him called SOOTHE-D that he used for the burn. His skin typically peels and gets itchy the days following sunburns. He sent me pictures after he applied tallow to his skin a few days in a row after the burn and told me he hadn’t peeled at all. SOOTHE-D is also amazing for cuts, burns, bug bites. This tallow blend is a great one to have around or for first aid kits.

Tallow is not only an excellent moisturizer, it’s also rich in vitamins A & D — two key nutrients that help your skin heal. Studies have demonstrated the amazing way vitamin D helps aid tissue repair. Vitamin A is one of the most widely recognized nutrients for promoting healthy skin.

SNOOZE-D is definitely my hardest and most expensive blend to make. This is the blend with magnesium in it. Many of us are magnesium deficient and the vitamins we are taking don’t get absorbed like we hope. That’s why magnesium balm is so popular. Looking up the effects of magnesium or the lack of it, it’s easy to see why people are turning to the magnesium tallow blend. It helps with better sleep. Some indications that your magnesium could be low are: *Anxiety *Depression *Sleep Issues *Migraines/headaches *Fatigue *Muscle twitches *Muscle cramps *Muscle weakness *High blood pressure *Asthma *Osteoporosis *Inflammation *PMS *High or Low Cholesterol *Heart palpitations *Numbness/tingling *Nausea (to name a few). With this tallow blend, you rub the tallow on the bottom of your feet or on your stomach at night.

I also make lip balm, made of tallow of course (BALM-D). This stuff is a dream. It heals the lip rather than just covering up dry lips. Tallow’s unique composition, closely resembling your skin’s natural oils, ensures that each application penetrates deeply, leaving your lips soft, smooth, and fully hydrated. I’ve had fun adding more and more flavors.

Directions and Help

Directions for use:

Clean desired area thoroughly. Rub a small amount in hands until melted and apply. If using on face and neck, use about 1 marble size. If using only on face, use about 1 pea size. A little goes a very long way. Each jar should last 4+ months.

If tallow gets grainy or clumpy:

Microwave for a few seconds to soften (but not melted) and stir. Tallow can get grainy or clumpy after sitting awhile. From the research I’ve done, it says some batches can do this because of how the cow digested its grass (the things I’ve learned, haha).

Thanks for Visiting!

Since starting this, I work 7-10 markets a week for several months of the year. I love hearing all the success stories of my different blends. I love seeing the results when they come back to show me what tallow does for them. I love watching people drag their friends or family over swearing up and down they’ll love it too. I love seeing those people come back, acknowledging they do indeed love tallow, buy more for themselves or for gifts. The word has really gotten out there that tallow is the real deal as we are shipping all over the country. I love that I was introduced to it by a concerned friend that knew the healing effects and that I am now able to be in the public teaching about the amazing effects of tallow.

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions!